Support for every part of your practice.
In addition to being one of the world’s most advanced clear alignment system, Invisalign is a trusted partner in growing your practice and helping you succeed.
1 Data on file at Align Technology, as of July 15th, 2017. Based on a survey by Hawk Research, Invisalign providers who started at least 1 adult Invisalign case in an average month, were asked: Of the patients that you see in the following age groups, what percent request Invisalign? (USA n= 337). Doctors were paid an honorarium for their time.
2 Based on a sample size of 31 orthodontic practices (from Belgium, France, Japan, Malaysia Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, UAE, UK, and US) with an average of 6 months in the ADAPT service. Total case profit increase is an estimate based upon the average increase in total case starts (W&B and Invisalign) and the average proportional increase in Invisalign case starts, comparing pre and post ADAPT data with the following assumptions: Wire and brackets (W&B) ASP = $5000 and W&B lab fee = $300; Invisalign ASP = $6000 and Invisalign lab fee= $1256. Total case profit means the total revenue of all case starts minus the total lab fee costs and does not include other expenses. Pre-ADAPT periods were normalized at practice level based on practice's tenure in the ADAPT service to account for seasonal adjustment.